Monday, November 29, 2010

10 simple tips to help you learn the piano

1. Students to touch or tap the rhythms, everything that they find difficult.

2. For bars difficult to split the line in the grid (4 / 4: 1 2 3 4), eighth (4 / 4: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +) or sixteenth (4 / 4: 1 and 2 + a + a 3 and and a 4 + + a)

3. There are so many different ways for every aspect of music for students to explain. If you do not understand, just think a different way of explaining it.

4. The notes in the treble clef spaces spell in the Face from lowest to highestspace. The spaces in Acegi spell bass clef from lowest to highest space (think of the phrase "all cows eat grass).

5. There are many ways to remember the notes and lines (though this is often useless because they can be developed using the notes in the spaces). The notes to the lines of magic EGBDF treble clef from the lowest to the highest line (think of the phrase "Every Good Boy Deserves Food '). The notes to the lines in bass clef spell the lowest GBDFAThe top line (think of the phrase "Great Big Dogs frighten Aunt")

6. It seems obvious, but try not to say anything negative and to speak with a friendly tone. It is not always easy.

8. The student to draw around their hands with a pencil on a sheet of A4 paper on one side (horizontal). Draw numbers for each finger (the thumb of each hand is a finger). Students draw diagrams to see this hand. Use each scheme for each hand position (Middle C position with your thumbsmiddle C, C lower position with the thumb of the right middle finger and left C 5 [pink] C lower on the F position with the thumb of the right of F just above middle C and 5 fingers of your left hand up as soon as F in the middle C, G position with the thumb of the right on G just above middle C and 5 finger of his left hand just below middle C to G). Draw and label the notes for each finger.

7. Music Games on the Internet are great for children to play or reward good practice. L 'best I've found is ... Above all, try the games with the football, basketball and icons of pirates - they're fun to play.

9. When you choose a brand known routine and stick to it to avoid confusion. I write the letter names under the notes and fingerings above the notes.

10. The books I use for absolute beginners 'Tunes for ten fingers and some of the Tunes for the ten fingers' by Pauline Hall as the "Theory Made EasyLittle Children Level 1 "and" Theory Made Easy for small children, level 2 'Lina Ng (or' Monkey Puzzle Set 1 and "Monkey Puzzle Set 2 Fanny Waterman). Then use the Bastien Piano Basics series by James Bastien begins with 'Bastien Piano Basics Level 1' or 'Bastien Piano Basics Theory level 1'. When 'Bastien Piano Basics Level 3 allows you to watch Piano ABRSM Grade 1 book.

NB. The list is in random order

Thanks To : Junior Analyst

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